4 weeks from the start of our Soccer Mums program and we are really flying it. We had a great turn out considering the less than appealing weather forecast and we had to deal with a heavy sleet shower to start with. A good warm up and some 3 v 3 games later and the jackets were been taken off as everyone was good and warm before we got into our match. We had a cracking match with some really good football played and a last minute equaliser saw the match finish honours even. Its amazing how quickly everyone is getting to grips with football. Brilliant again to see a couple of debutants coming for their first session and we are now touching 30 signed on. We will always be open to anyone joining in at any stage (the more the merrier), so come on give it a go. This is for everyone from first timers to old hands and you do not need any previous affiliation to Ballymackey FC. There is a online form attached here to join our group or you can just arrive on Tuesday and we will take it from there.

Click here forSoccer mums contacts form